Looking to buy a property? 4 reasons why estate agents may not take you seriously

House huntingIf you are currently looking for a property you need to make sure that estate agents see you as a keen buyer and that they are thinking of you every time a suitable property comes on the market. Good properties are in high demand so you need to be at he front of the queue when these opportunities arise.

Here are 4 reasons why estate agents may not be taking you seriously.

You are not marketing your current property until you have found your next one

Many people love their current property so much that they are reluctant to put it on the market until they have found their next dream home. This tactic will really hold you back when you are looking for your next property as any offer made is likely to be declined when the seller realises that you haven't even started marketing your current property. When you are looking to move make sure you are committed from the outset and start marketing your property from day one so that you are in a stronger position when you do find that dream home.

You have not got your mortgage finances in place

Most people will require a mortgage to purchase a property so it makes sense that you know how much you can borrow and that you will be well received by the lender when you finally find your first, or subsequent, purchase. Even if you already have a mortgage and never been in arrears it is important to make sure you will be lent the required funds before looking at properties. In the current mortgage climate the criteria lenders use to asses loans changes regularly, so even if you are applying to your existing lender you could be put on to a higher interest rate than your current one, or even declined.

You are not actively viewing

It's ok sitting at home browsing  property portals and estate agency websites but you have got to get out viewing to understand what you can get for your money. Being reluctant to view can be seen as indicator that you are not committed to moving and could leave you missing out on some excellent properties. Even if you are not totally sold on the property from the photographs go and view it, as the reality might be different. Also, viewing is the only way you can really compare properties and get a real feel for the area and the local market.

You are constantly changing your mind on what you want

Obviously, most people change their minds when searching for properties as reality sets in and they end up having to stretch their finances even further. However, there are people who constantly change their criteria not just on price but also on location, number of bedrooms, property type etc. This generally means that they have not decided properly what their requirements are and can again appear uncommitted from an estate agent's  viewpoint.

Estate agents are in business to sell properties and are only paid by a seller once a property is sold. Therefore, it's in their best interests to deal with the most committed and active buyers, make sure you are in that group when you are on the search for your next property.

(image by ponsulak, freedigitalphotos.net)

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