How to find the cheapest music downloads online – Money tip #199

 If you download music legally (as of course you should) you'll know that even prices of downloadable tracks can vary considerably. But there's a website which checks the larger retailers out there and finds the cheapest price for you. (which is run by moneysavingexpert) searches for the best price for your desired single/album on iTunes, Amazon, Play, 7digital, HMV, we7, Tesco, Orange & Tunetribe. Admittedly prices are only updated weekly and the retailer list is not exhaustative but nonetheless the site can still save you time and money. So next time you plan to buy music online why not give it a go.

Of course an alternative is to use a service such as Spotify which is a subscription service that allows you to listen to millions of tracks online. The free subscription package does have limitations placed on the service as well as adverts. But pay £10 a month and you can listen and download tracks to your heart's content, with no adverts. But the catch is that you do not own the tracks, so cancel your Spotify subscription and you lose your music library.
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