80-20 Investor Best of the Best Selection – June 2024 Update

7 min Read Published: 08 Jun 2024

Of the 30 funds in May's BOTB selection 22 funds have retained their place which is one of the highest numbers I've seen over the 10 years that I've been running 80-20 Investor. It is worth highlighting that after a disappointing April I explained why the funds within the BOTB still remained fairly consistent. I pointed out that the 80-20 Investor algorithm doesn't focus on short term trends when assessing momentum. But had the weakness we'd seen in April become more entrenched then we would likely have seen more changes to the funds contained in the BOTB and also its asset mix going forwards. As it turns out the process was rewarded as the performance of the BOTB recovered in May (as shown in the table below).

Obviously, the chart above only looks at the average across all of the funds within the BOTB.

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