A money-transfer card is a type of credit card that allows you to transfer money from your credit card into your bank account. You can then use these funds to...
Used correctly, a credit card can be a handy tool to help manage your finances, but with so many different types of credit cards it is important to choose the...
A cashback or reward credit card enables you to earn cashback or rewards as you spend. Every time you make a purchase on the card, you can earn rewards or...
If you’re starting to plan a holiday or trip abroad, it’s important to consider your spending options carefully, particularly if you’re planning on taking a credit card with you. Many...
If you have never had a credit card or any other form of credit, it’s unlikely you’ll have much of a credit history. As a result, your credit score is...
The energy regulator Ofgem has proposed new rules that will force energy companies to offer customers tariffs that do not include a standing charge. Currently, only a few providers offer...
Most people will be able to claim some kind of State Pension when they retire. After big changes were made in 2016, everyone who reaches the State Pension age will...
The best way to save money for your retirement is through a pension. Pensions can be split into two main types: a workplace pension and a personal pension. It is...
There are a lot of options when it comes to saving for your retirement. Regularly paying into a private pension over the course of your working life is the most...
The State Pension is a key part of the UK’s welfare system, designed to protect those over working age from poverty and reward decades of working life. It is unlikely...