Getting away on holiday can be an expensive business so the last thing you want is for something to go wrong and you are left out of pocket. Taking out...
When you become self employed you become reliant on your ability to generate an income and will no longer be able to access your employer's sick pay benefits. If you...
Many of us have had the experience of our car breaking down and how this can cause frustration and wreak havoc on our travel plans. Purchasing breakdown cover before you...
In this article, we take a look at what a Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) is, how it works and the reasons you may want to consider one. We also...
What is the pension carry-forward rule? An individual can currently contribute up to £60,000 of 'relevant earnings' in a tax year and receive tax relief at their marginal rate on...
Dividends are a way that a company can distribute its profits. In this article, we explain the dividend tax-free allowance including how to calculate the tax payable. What is a...
What is a share? Shares, also known as equities, are an investment vehicle that provides the owner with a share of a company. So, if you buy a share of...
What is a limited company? A limited company is a business that is a separate legal entity from its owners who are referred to as shareholders. A limited company must...
What is a share? When a company is first registered, a decision has to be made regarding who owns the company and - if there is more than one person...