A business credit score could affect how much money a company can borrow and how much that borrowing will cost. A credit score rates the quality of a potential borrower....
If you’re looking to grow your business, a common way to fund growth is to take out a business loan. A business loan is a type of loan that’s specifically...
One of the first steps in growing a business or starting a new one is thinking about where the funding is going to come from. If you are planning on...
The first port of call for many businesses looking to borrow money will be a bank. This could be the institution the business holds a current account with, a bank...
If you are a business owner with a history of poor credit, you can still benefit from a business loan to boost cash flow and grow your business. Specialist bad...
Long-term borrowing is a common way for businesses to reduce the monthly cost of repaying a debt. You pay less each month because the repayments are spread out over a...
Once you have put together a business plan and worked out how much money you need to get your business off the ground or moving in a different direction, it...
Getting a business up and running can be time-consuming, stressful and complicated, but also expensive. Some people looking to set up a new company will rely on the money they...
What is a limited company? A limited company is a business that is a separate legal entity from its owners who are referred to as shareholders. A limited company must...
Starling Bank launched its business account in 2018 when it became the first of the mobile banks to offer a business account. Founded by Anne Boden, Starling is a front-runner...
Since 2010 I've been helping people with their personal finances for FREE. Every year we help over 2 million people but that's not enough. Help me help more people by sharing the site with your family, friends and colleagues. - Damien Fahy, Founder