Weekly news roundup – 15th October 2010

2 min Read Published: 15 Oct 2010
healingdream / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
healingdream / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The weekly roundup of the headlines most affecting your personal finances. Click on a headline to read the full story.
Tax relief on pensions slashed

The amount of income that you can save into pensions has now been severely restricted by the government.

Govt helps 350,000 people track down forgotten pensions

The DWP’s free Pension Tracing Service has helped 350,000 people find out if they are eligible for a workplace pension pot from previous employers.

PAYE problems could affect millions more

HMRC has admitted millions more people than previously thought could be affected by recent PAYE problems.

How to beat the proposed child benefit cuts

Ways to keep your child benefit if you’re affected by the cuts.

Dollar fall sparks stability warnings

The dollar tumbled against most major currencies, prompting warnings that the weakness of the world’s reserve currency could destabilise the global economy and push other countries into retaliatory.

Consumer confidence 'in big fall'

Consumer confidence is now at its lowest level for more than a year, says the Nationwide building society.

Isa allowance to go up in April

The upper limit on the amount that can be saved in an Individual Savings Account will rise by £480 next year.

Job loss risk as spending cuts loom

Almost a million people could lose their jobs as a result of upcoming government spending cuts, according to a new report by consultants PWC.

House prices fall further and mortgage lending drops

Data from Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and Council of Mortgage Lenders adds to evidence of deteriorating housing market, with first time buyers particularly struggling.

Inflation remains at 3.1% in September

Inflation remains sticky but that is unlikely stop the Bank of England printing more money to keep the economy growing.

Jobless benefit claimants rise, but total unemployment falls

A rise in the number of people claiming job seekers allowance was offset by the creation of record numbers of part time jobs.

Homeowners warned as property fraud rises

Property solicitors, businesses and homeowners advised to protect against the rise in real estate fraud and identity theft Property owners have been the target of an increasing number of identity.

Cost of car insurance up by 37.5pc

The cost of a typical motor insurance policy has risen by £177 since last year, while 17-20 year olds have seen prices rise by as much as £616.

Top oil trader says price will fall short of $100

Oil prices will rise modestly towards $85 a barrel next year despite market expectations that they will return to above $100 a barrel, the world’s largest oil trading house has forecast

FTSE 100 jumps 1.5pc on Fed stimulus news

On Tuesday the FTSE 100 surged 1.5pc to its highest level since April.

House prices 'heading for a fall'

UK house prices are still under downward pressure as sellers continue to outnumber potential buyers, say surveyors.

Electricity customers can claim £200 a day for 'poor' service, says Ofgem

Households and businesses may claim up to £200 a day from electricity companies for "poor" customer service, announces Ofgem.

Students to face unlimited fees

Universities in England should be able to charge any level of tuition fees, a major review of university funding recommends.

The top gold stocks with some downside protection