It can be easy to start thinking about your credit score only when you are looking to get a credit card, mortgage or loan. However, we should all view our...
Credit reference agency Experian offers a free service called Experian Boost that gives people the chance to improve their Experian credit score by offering a "boost" for good habits, such...
When it comes to applying for a mortgage, you may be worried about whether you are likely to be approved, particularly if you have a poor credit history. This may...
Negative markers on your credit file can make it difficult to get a mortgage, car finance, a credit card and other financial products. This means that it is quite common...
LOQBOX was founded by Tom Eyre and Gregor Mowat having grown frustrated with the lack of help and support that is available for consumers in the credit industry. Tom Eyre...
The simple answer is yes. Cancelling an unused credit card is likely to affect your credit score. However, it will depend on a number of factors as to whether your...
Having to stay indoors due to being on furlough or self-isolating as a result of COVID-19 could mean you see an increase in your household bills. In this article, we...
In this week's millennial money episode, I ask financial expert Damien Fahy about credit scores and he gives 6 top tips on how to improve your credit score. How can...
In this week's millennial money episode, I ask financial expert Damien Fahy about credit scores. What is a credit score and how do you go about checking it? Damien Says:...