How to read the markets to quickly see what’s driving them – 2023

13 min Read Published: 22 Jul 2023

Five years ago I published a very popular 80-20 Investor research article on How to read investment markets quickly and to see what is driving them.

While as long-term investors we shouldn't check our portfolios every day, there is nothing wrong with trying to understand what is driving investment markets. At the time I produced a list of the stock indices that I look at on my phone each day and explained the inter-play between them helped me to quickly zero in on what is driving markets. As I wrote at the time it enabled me to gain insight before I'd even looked at the latest investment headlines. It also allowed me to find the key news stories, amongst the noise, that are the most important to digest.

Fast-forward five years to today and the list of indices and shares has grown and the relationship between them on occasion has changed too.

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