A personal loan can be used for most expenses, with a few important exceptions. You are free to spend the money you borrow on a holiday, a car or home...
Most purchases involve making a choice between using cash, a debit card or a credit card. The best option for you will depend on what you are buying, where you...
Paying off a personal loan early may seem like the logical and responsible step to make, if you have the savings available. However, it is important to think about the...
Using a credit card has many benefits, but one of the biggest is the valuable protection it provides for purchases. If it turns out that something is wrong with the...
When you use a credit card you are, in effect, borrowing money from the credit card provider. As with anything you borrow, you will need to give it back. Your...
With a huge variety of different credit cards available, it can be difficult to work out which credit card is best suited to your needs. In this article we look...
Choosing the best type of loan for you can be challenging. Comparing the interest rate, repayment period, terms and conditions as well as considering whether your credit history means you...
If you have a personal loan and are struggling to keep up with the repayments, or want a way of reducing your debt, you may be considering whether you can...
Since 2010 I've been helping people with their personal finances for FREE. Every year we help over 2 million people but that's not enough. Help me help more people by sharing the site with your family, friends and colleagues. - Damien Fahy, Founder