A cashback or reward credit card enables you to earn cashback or rewards as you spend. Every time you make a purchase on the card, you can earn rewards or...
A 0% purchase credit card is similar to an ordinary credit card but there is no interest charged on purchases for an initial period of time set by the card...
Negative markers on your credit file can make it difficult to get a mortgage, car finance, a credit card and other financial products. This means that it is quite common...
When you use a credit card you are, in effect, borrowing money from the credit card provider. As with anything you borrow, you will need to give it back. Your...
LOQBOX was founded by Tom Eyre and Gregor Mowat having grown frustrated with the lack of help and support that is available for consumers in the credit industry. Tom Eyre...
If your credit card debt is piling up, you could find yourself paying more in interest than the original debt itself. To get out of this situation, you can transfer...
People struggling to meet their payments on a credit card, loan, car finance, mortgage or other forms of consumer credit may be offered a payment holiday of up to six...
Most people associate remortgaging with securing a better interest rate for their monthly mortgage payments or releasing funds for home improvements, but it is also possible to remortgage to consolidate...
In this week's millennial money episode, Damien and I discuss how to clear credit card debt using a 0% balance transfer credit card. What is a credit card balance transfer?...
According to moneyandmentalhealth.org, 93% of people surveyed spend more when their mental health is suffering. A worrying statistic in a world of easy credit and rising problem debt. Problem debt...