According to research from Fidelity 91% of Britons admit they do not understand Capital Gains Tax (CGT) and only 6% could identify the correct annual ‘tax-free’ allowance. Given the few tax concessions on offer it’s important that people consider using their CGT allowance. It could save you up to £5,100...
“The elephant was banished yesterday and the day before at the Labour and Tory launches. We don’t think you can banish it, you have to confront it – and I guess I’m the elephant man.” - Vince Cable British politics meets Alice in Wonderland at the launch of the Liberal...
The Telegraph reports that a taxpayer who paid too much tax to HM Revenue & Customs has been fined £1,400 for making a mistake when he asked for a rebate.
Now this blog tries to avoid politics where possible but the fact remains that there is an election just around the corner, the outcome of which will impact on your finances and your life generally. So your vote is vitally important, but have you decided who to vote for?
Today's headline of the day comes from the Daily Telegraph. The article reports how property prices in China have hit record levels fuelling concerns of a bubble forming which could ultimately burst.