For many people, using a credit card is a great way to earn while they spend, reduce the cost of their debt, cover emergency expenses, and more. However, with so...
A low credit score is usually a sign that you are not considered a reliable or trustworthy borrower. There could be a whole host of reasons for this, some of...
Understanding how a credit card works can ensure you use it in a way that benefits you. There are credit cards that do not charge interest for a certain period,...
What is Experian? Experian is the largest credit reference agency in the UK. It offers people the opportunity to check their credit score, as well as accessing a more detailed...
What is TransUnion? TransUnion is one of the three main credit reference agencies in the UK. It collates information on people's past financial behaviour and the credit agreements they have...
What is ClearScore? ClearScore was founded in September 2014 as a disruptor to the established credit reference agencies, which traditionally worked by charging individuals a fee to view their financial data...
Keeping track of your credit score is an important part of improving or maintaining the number of credit options available to you. In the UK, you will likely have a...
TotallyMoney is a service that allows users to view their credit records through the UK's main credit reference agencies for free. We explain how it works, the key features and...
Credit reference agency Experian offers a free service called Experian Boost that gives people the chance to improve their Experian credit score by offering a "boost" for good habits, such...
In this full, independent review, we take a look at checkmyfile. Using credit reports from Experian, Equifax, TransUnion and Crediva, checkmyfile provides key credit information to users who sign up...
Since 2010 I've been helping people with their personal finances for FREE. Every year we help over 2 million people but that's not enough. Help me help more people by sharing the site with your family, friends and colleagues. - Damien Fahy, Founder