I recently received a great question via Chatterbox which I answer in full in this article. I've pasted the original question below for ease of reference: Hi Damien, I’m totally...
Commentary 16 funds from last month's 30 Best of the Best Selection regained their position in February's shortlist. January pretty much followed where December left off as it was again a very good month for the 80-20 Investor BOTB Selection. It therefore comes as no surprise that so many funds retained their position....
Commentary 13 funds from last month's 29 Best of the Best Selection regained their position in January's shortlist. After a disappointing November the Best of the Best (BOTB) Selection bounced back in December and was up 2.62% for the month. To give that wider context, the BOTB finished 2016 up 16.69%, comfortably outperforming the average...
As we move into 2017 I have already provided 80-20 Investor members with an insight into where key markets could go. In addition, in the New Year I will update the Best...
Commentary 11 funds from last month's 29 Best of the Best Selection regained their position in December's shortlist. November was a tough month for investors with the average multi-asset fund down 2% and it was a rare occasion as the 80-20 Investor Best of the Best Selection (BOTB) underperformed falling 4%. But to put that...
As promised in my last weekly newsletter I will answer the following question in detail. It was asked by an 80-20 Investor member in November's Chatterbox but warranted a greater explanation and...
Since Donald Trump won the US election markets have been desperately searching for an investment narrative to build their investment strategies upon. Given the unprecedented situation we find ourselves in, with...
Commentary 10 funds from last month's 30 Best of the Best Selection regained their position in November's shortlist. In the last update before next week's US election it's interesting to see that a US equity exposure has crept back into the portfolio, largely a result of the region holding up better than most other equity markets...
If you read my recent weekly newsletter you will be aware of the importance of bond duration. I ended my commentary by saying that when/if the bond market unravels further then the 80-20...
Since 2010 I've been helping people with their personal finances for FREE. Every year we help over 2 million people but that's not enough. Help me help more people by sharing the site with your family, friends and colleagues. - Damien Fahy, Founder