So the UK voted to leave the European Union and it sent financial markets into a tailspin. Below is just a small sample of Friday's headlines to give you a...
Commentary As two-thirds of this month's 80-20 Investor Best of the Best Selection retained their place from last month's shortlist the portfolio keeps its reduced equity exposure. Global bonds still account for the largest...
Last week The Sunday Times asked for my opinion on the sectors with the best value opportunities at the moment and the best funds to give exposure to them. If you...
Commentary This month's 80-20 Investor Best of the Best Selection continues to reduce its exposure to risk, increasing its bond/fixed interest exposure at the expense of equities. In fact global bonds...
It's probably the oldest and most well known investment adage... Sell in May and go away, don't come back till St. Leger Day Or in other words, sell out of the stock...
This week I was asked an interesting question by an 80-20 Investor member. To paraphrase, the member wants to steer clear of UK equities until after the UK Referendum for fear of an equity market sell-off should the electorate vote to leave the EU. The member already held the global...
A total of 13 funds from March's 30 funds make it into April's selection. Below I list this month's selection in full with the 13 funds that regained their place in black while the...
Those of you who have been 80-20 Investor members since the Autumn will recall the launch of the 80-20 Investor asset allocation tool. I always emphasise the importance of being able to benchmark your portfolio in order to judge its performance. You can find out how to do it by reading my piece How...
A total of 18 funds from February's 29 funds make it into March's selection. Below I list this month's selection in full with the 18 funds that regained their place in black while...
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