Going away can be expensive and you may be looking at ways to cut costs on your holiday but one thing you should not cut back on is travel insurance....
Income Protection insurance (IP) and Critical Illness Cover (CIC) are two very different types of personal protection insurance and many people struggle to understand what sets them apart and which...
If you have recently welcomed a pet as a new member of your family, it is likely you have considered pet insurance and you may be wondering if it is...
If you have dependents or financial commitments like a mortgage, life insurance is an important consideration as it will pay out a cash lump sum of money when you die....
No, banks don't generally offer free life insurance to their customers, but most banks offer life insurance. 'Packaged' bank accounts, which usually attract a monthly fee, sometimes include general insurance...
In this independent review, we take an in-depth look at Royal London life insurance, paying particular attention to the types of life cover available, how much monthly premiums cost and...
Income protection is perhaps the most vital personal insurance for anyone who depends on their mental and physical ability to generate an income. In this article, we explain the main...
Pet insurance can be complex and so in this article, we take a look at some of the best pet insurance providers. I recommend you read the full article, however,...
In this article we explain a type of business life insurance called Relevant Life Insurance that can be a tax-efficient way to provide life cover to employees and directors of...
The most popular question I used to get asked in relation to life insurance was 'How much does £100k of life insurance cost?' However, with the rising cost of living...
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