When you purchase a car insurance policy it is possible to tailor your policy to include additional cover such as breakdown cover, legal cover or car key insurance. In this...
Car insurance is a legal requirement in the UK as it offers financial protection for you and other drivers if you are involved in an accident. There are three main...
Pet insurance is an insurance policy designed to cover the costs of veterinary fees should your pet become ill or injured. There are four main types of pet insurance and...
Home insurance is an insurance policy that will provide financial protection if your home or its belongings are damaged or destroyed. There are two different types of home insurance; buildings...
There are four main types of pet insurance and choosing the best for your pet can be confusing. In this article, we take a look at accident-only pet insurance explaining...
It can be hard to know which type of pet insurance is best for your pet, especially as there are so many different types of policy to choose from. In...
Pet ownership has increased in the UK in the last few years with 57% of UK households now owning a pet, according to Statista. Owning a pet can be expensive...
In this review, we explore Petsure's* pet insurance policies, including the types of policies you can choose from, the level of cover you can expect, estimated premium costs and other key...
Pet insurance is a minefield and it can be confusing trying to find the best insurance for your pet. Pet insurance is designed to cover the cost of veterinary bills...
Travel insurance is an essential addition to any trip abroad as it can help cover the cost of unexpected events that may occur whilst you are away. You may worry...
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